Retrobulbar injection of compound anisodine in the treatment of female central retinal artery occlusion
中文关键词: CRAO  球后注射  颞浅动脉旁  复方樟柳碱
英文关键词: CRAO  Retrobulbar injection  Paratemporal artery  Compound anisodine
李 燕 山东省东明县人民医院山东 菏泽 274500 
摘要点击次数: 1321
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      Objective: To analyze the effect of compound anisodine retrobulbar injection on female patients with central retinal artery occlusion (CRA0). Methods: 42 female patients with CRA0 from March 2019 to December 2019 were selected and randomly divided into two groups. Both groups were treated with compound anisodine, 21 cases in the control group were injected by the side of superficial temporal artery, and 21 cases in the observation group were given retrobulbar injection. Results: The total effective rate of the observation group was 90.48%, which was higher than 76.19% of the control group (P<0.05); there were 15 patients (71.43%) with visual acuity level > 0.1 in the observation group, and 10 cases (47.62%) in the control group; after treatment, the visual acuity level of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: In the clinical treatment of female CRA0, the effect of retrobulbar injection is more significant than that of simple injection of compound anisodine by superficial temporal artery, which is conducive to improve the strength of patients and is worthy of promotion.
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